All screenshots are from xt:Commerce 3. Installation for modified, Gambio, etc. is similar.

Click here for instructions on how to update an existing installation.

Install plugin

Download the plugin file and unpack the content to the /callback folder.

The structure under /callback/komfortkasse should look like this now:

Open the following url in a browser: http://<your-shop>/callback/komfortkasse/install.php

The Auto Installer will start. First you will have to modify the file "lang/<your language>/configuration.php". During the process, you may have to modify another file - just follow the installer's instructions. If you see a blank page only, edit the install.php file and uncomment lines 13 and 14 in order so see any error messages that occur.

After finishing the installer, open your admin panel and navigate to the Komfortkasse settings (or just follow the link supplied by the installer). (Gambio: empty modules cache first.)


Make sure that "Export orders" and "Update orders" are set to True.

Choose the relevant payment type codes. Only order with these payment type codes will be exported to Komfortkasse. You can enter multiple values seperated by comma. Normally, this will be "eustandardtransfer" and/or "moneyorder".

Choose the relevant statuses for open (unpaid) orders. Only orders with these status codes will be exported to Komfortkasse. You can enter multiple values seperated by comma. Typically, this will be 1 (open).

Choose the status that an order will be set to if the payment is received. Typically, this will be a custom "payment received" state or the standard "processing" state.

Choose the status that an order will be set to if the payment is received. Typically, this will be a custom "cancelled" state. (Gambio: this will be the fixed "Canceled" state, ID 99).

Do not change the other options (encryption, access code, secret keys). These values will be automatically filled in when you connect your shop with Komfortkasse.

If you don't want your shop to send out payment information (required for free and business, recommended for professional), you can use the payment module "moneyorder" and use the "Payable to" field for a description (e.g. "You will receive another e-mail with payment information." / German: "Sie erhalten ein separates E-Mail mit Zahlungsinformationen (Bankverbindung, etc.)")



Instant Order Transmission

New orders will be read periodically from your online shop. Additionally, you can activate instant order transmission, which will transmit any new order immediately. This way, your customer will receive payment information immediately and your server will be

We strongly encourage you to activate instant order transmission.

In order to activate instant order transmission, edit the following files:

/admin/orders.php, around line 228 and 339:

xtc_db_query("insert into ".TABLE_ORDERS_STATUS_HISTORY." ...
// BEGIN Komfortkasse
include_once '../callback/komfortkasse/Komfortkasse.php';
$k = new Komfortkasse();
// END Komfortkasse
$order_updated = true;

/includes/modules/payment/eustandardtransfer.php, or any other payment module that will be used with Komfortkasse (e.g. banktransfer, moneyorder), in function after_process, at the end of the function:

// BEGIN Komfortkasse
include_once './callback/komfortkasse/Komfortkasse.php';
$k = new Komfortkasse();
// END Komfortkasse

That's it! You have now activated instant order transmission.

Next Step: register and connect your shop



Update plugin

If you want to upgrade an existing installation, please follow these steps.

1. Create Backup files

Copy all files from /callback/komfortkasse to e.g. /callback/komfortkasse_old.

Create a backup of your database.

2. Copy files

Download the newest version of the plugin and extract all files to /callback/komfortkasse. Overwrite all existing files.

3. Start installer

Open http://<your-shop>/callback/komfortkasse/install.php in your browser. The install script will check that the plugin is already installed and switch to update mode.

If you get a message that there are language additions missing:
Copy the content of the files /callback/komfortkasse/lang/<language>/configuration.php and paste it into the files /lang/<language>/admin/configuration.php. Search for the existing lines (beginning with // Komfortkasse) and replace them with the content of the files).

You should see a message saying 'switching to update mode' during installation.



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