1. Installation

Open Joomla Administrator and go to Extension Manager.


Select the Extension .zip File and click Upload & Install.

You will se a message that the plugin was installed successfully.


2. Configuration

Komfortkasse uses your existing payment methods such as Prepayment, Invoice and Cash on delivery. Still, Komfortkasse has to be added as a payment method in order to configure it.

Go to VirtueMart - Payment Methods.


Click New to add a new payment method. Choose Komfortkasse as Payment Method and Payment Name. Set Published to No. You may leave all other fields blank.


 Now open the tab Configuration.


Set Export orders and Update orders to Yes in order to activate Komfortkasse.


Now enter settings for using prepayment: choose which payment type(s) you are using for prepayment orders, which order state(s) prepayment order have to be in, and which order state they should be set when they are paid or cancelled.

Important: always include state Pending to open states for prepayment. Otherwise, instant order transmission will not work and there might be a delay in sending out payment information.


Now enter settings for using invoice payment: choose which payment type(s) you are using for invoice payment, which order state(s) invoice order have to be in when they are due, and which order state they should be set when they are paid or overdue (not paid).


Now enter settings for using COD (cash on delivery): choose which payment type(s) you are using for cash on delivery, which order state(s) COD orders are when they are dispatched, and which order state they should be set when they are paid or unresolved (not paid).


Do not touch the following values (encryption, keys), these will be set automatically when connection your shop to Komfortkasse.

Next step: register and connect your shop.




Insider-Tipps für Ihren Online-Shop

Was wir aus zigtausenden Zahlungsvorgängen gelernt haben,
lesen Sie in unserer kostenlosen Payment-Studie

  Zahlungsausfälle verhindern
  Umsatz steigern
  Margen erhöhen
  Gebühren minimieren
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